Wednesday, May 6, 2020

African American Relationship With The South A Dual...

African American relationship with the South: a dual perspective Introduction The experiences that African Americans went through, whether in the North or South, played a significant role in shaping their attitude towards the New World. Markedly, they entered into an era of servitude, where they pledged loyalty to the superior white man. Nevertheless, experiences were different; the North treated African Americans in a different way compared to the South. Part of this reason may be the geographical and economic dispositions of the two regions; industrialization was mainly in the North while the South was representative of farming, among other traditional economic activities. Regardless of these differences, it is good to note that as much as the South promoted oppressive acts towards blacks, it was also the home of enlightened African Americans who later on became abolitionists thereby propelling emancipation from slavery. In the 19th century South, African Americans had marked their position following the establishment of churches and other social institutions. However, the establishment of churches was their main project since this served a dual purpose; as sacred places for prayers and as halls for political meetings and gatherings. Notably, Nineteenth-century black churches ministered the needs of the soul and served a host of secular functions, which placed them squarely in the center of black social life Church buildings doubled as community meeting centers andShow MoreRelatedSlavery, Colonialism and Capitalism783 Words   |  3 PagesSlavery, Colonialism and Capitalism, it can be said that there is a relationship between these three systems. There are many different views on this topic, the main views being the Liberal-pluralists and the Radical revisionists who understand this relationship from different perspectives. 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